Proper planning is probably THE key to nutritional success (aside from application of planning). An integral part of the planning process is cooking food ahead of time. However if not treated properly these pre-cooked meals can be a fertile playground for all kinds of food borne pathogens and bacteria dying to make you feel like Bill Murray in Osmosis Jones.
To prevent this from happening I recommend that you follow the 2 Hours - 2 Inches - 4 Days rule.
2 Hours - Within 2 hours of cooking you should refrigerate or freeze the food.
2 Inches - If you have made a stew or chili don't store it in the pot you cooked it in. Store the food at a maximum depth of 2 inches to allow for fast cooling.
4 Days - If the leftover have been in your refrigerator for more than 4 days then it is time to get rid of it. This means that if you cook chicken on Sunday by Wednesday it is time to cook some more. Don't try to cook chicken for the whole week unless you are going to freeze it.
Follow these tips and stay pathogenic bacteria free.