Vegetarians don't make this big mista...
Vegetarians don't make this big mistake
Build Muscle, Burn Fat, Improve Health - All With Street Smarts
Vegetarians don't make this big mistake
Posted by
Mike Roussell
7:22 PM
(My Original Blog Post:
Vegetarian protein sources and getting enough protein is a common concern with people following a vegetarian diet. But getting enough protein isn't always the issue - eating too many carbs is! Here is another excerpt from my Naked Nutrition for Fat Loss seminar. Watch and make sure you don't make the big mistake I talk about regarding your body's biochemistry.
Posted by
Mike Roussell
7:21 PM
(My Original Blog Post:
It is well known that less active children are fatter, but that does not mean -- as most people assume it does -- that inactivity leads to fatness. It could equally well be the other way round: that obesity leads to inactivity.
Physical inactivity appears to be the result of fatness rather than its cause. This reverse causality may explain why attempts to tackle childhood obesity by promoting PA [physical activity] have been largely unsuccessful.
Posted by
Mike Roussell
9:05 AM
(My Original Blog Post:
Here is a clip from my upcoming Naked Nutrition for Fat Loss DVD set. In the video I talk about the importance of moving your diet from bar codes to bags, that is eating less foods that come with bar codes and more food that you need to put into bags while shipping. Moving from bar codes to bags will automatically improve the quality of your diet. When your diet quality goes up, your heath and weight loss will also increase.
In this video I also talk about organic masking. With the popularity of organic foods increasing daily more and more companies are coming out with organic junk food. You'll find cookies with organic labels on them. Here's the truth - organic sugar is just as bad for you as regular sugar - don't be fooled. Companies are trying to mask the detrimental effects of junk food by sticking organic labels on then. The worst part is that it will cost your 2x as much!
Posted by
Mike Roussell
1:46 PM
(My Original Blog Post:
Posted by
Mike Roussell
11:30 AM
(My Original Blog Post:
In this video 2006 NSCA Strength Coach of the Year, Robert Dos Remedios talks about work capacity and how it is a key component to your strength training and fat loss workouts with or without weights. When training with just your body weight it is extra important to increase the stress on your body by decreasing rest times and pushing your work capacity to the limit. Here is a simple strength training workout without weights that Coach Dos described in the video is as follows:
Posted by
Mike Roussell
11:08 AM
(My Original Blog Post:
Do you eat breakfast everyday? I hope so. Surprisingly the actual research on eating breakfast isn't that robust and some nutrition experts don't think that breakfast is that important. I really believe that a good healthy breakfast sets the stage for your day. It sends the message that you're going to do what it takes that day to eat right and do what you need to do in order to reach your fitness goals. Here what I had this morning (a slight variation on one of my long standing breakfast staples). This shakes comes in at just over 400 calories and can be consumed while driving to work or chasing around 2 year old twins trying to get them to put their diapers back on.
Posted by
Mike Roussell
8:45 AM
Good Sale for you. Save 17% on BCAAs
Posted by
Mike Roussell
6:38 PM
(My Original Blog Post:
You have to admit it...kettlebells are very hot right now, especially for fat loss and metabolic training. Ever since I ditched my gym membership, I have found them to be an indispensable tool along with my TRX.
Here's a full kettlebell workout that you can use courtesy of kettlebell lover Chris Lopez. (Note: Chris uses the blast straps in some of the movements, you can use a TRX here as well).
1a) KB Clean & Press (3 x 5-8)
1b) Blast Strap Reverse Fly (2 x 15)
2a) Renegade Row x 20
2b) KB Windmill x 8/side
2c) Ab Wheel Roll Out x 20
3) 2-Arm KB Swings x 100
1) Turkish Get-Ups (3 x 5/side)
2a) Close Grip Chin-ups (3 x AMRAP)
2b) Pistols (3 x AMRAP)
2c) Blast Strap Push-Ups
3) KB Snatches (AMRAP in 7 minutes)
Wednesday AND Saturday (optional)
1) Early AM Hill Sprints
2) Stretching, planks & bridges
1a) KB Military Press (3-4 x 5)
1b) KB Row (3 x AMRAP)
2a) Blast Strap Dips
2b) Blast Strap Tricep Ext
2c) Blast Strap Ab Fall-Outs
3) 2-Arm KB Swings x 100
1) 1-arm KB Snatches (AMRAP)
2) Turkish Get-Ups
2) Chin-up Variation
Kettlebell Q’n'A: My Current Program & The RKC [Kettlebell]
Today is also the release of the TRX Kettlebell DVD (which I'm personally excited about). Check out the video
below. The guy doing the advanced movements is really working on the overhead single leg lunges!
Posted by
Mike Roussell
5:13 PM
(My Original Blog Post:
Just a week or so ago I wrote about how there are lot of different factors that influence how much you eat during the course of a meal. In this post, I shared with you research on eating with other people and how who you eat with and the number of people that you eat with has been shown to influence how many calories you'll consume at a meal (bad news for men with more than one wife who like to eat as a family - read the post and you'll see what I mean).
Research along these same lines was just presented at Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior by Dr. Jeff Brunstrom of the University of Bristol UK and colleagues. In the study by Dr. Brunstrom, they showed study participants either a small amount of fruit or a larger amount of fruit and told the participates that is what they would be getting in their smoothie (in actuality they were both give the same amount).
They study participants they rated how satisfied they thought they would be after the smoothie and then again rated their satiety 3 hours after drinking the smoothie. The people who were shown the smaller amounts of fruit were significantly less satisfied despite acutally consuming the same amount of food.
If you are a regular reader of my blog this should come as no surprise to you, but just more evidence to support the fact that if you want to be more satisfied while eating less calories you need to bulk up your diet with more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables give you the visual appeal of eating a lot of food without the high calorie backlash.
Could Our Minds Be Tricked Into Satisfying Our Stomachs? [Science Daily]
Posted by
Mike Roussell
4:35 PM