Monday, December 18, 2006

Flexible Nutrition

I sometimes think of myself as a nutritional anomaly. See, in the world of nutrition in order to get a book published you need a gimmick. It doesn't even matter if the diet you prescribe sucks you just need a good gimmick. Don't believe me? What about the Flavor Point diet?

Is this guy serious? We're fat because our brain is stimulated by too many flavors. Anyway...I don't have a gimmick. I'm not a low carb guy, high carb guy, high protein guy...I'm none of those, yet I'm all of them. I don't want to limit myself by proscribing to a particular dogma because most of them work. Do I eat low carb all the time? No. Some of the time? Yes. Sometimes I'll use simple sugars after my workouts and sometimes I'll just use protein and amino acids.

I personally like to periodize my nutrition like I do my training. Sometimes I'll train full body and sometimes I'll train like a bodybuilder with bodypart splits. This keeps it interesting. When you eat low carb you get to eat foods that you normally wouldn't eat as much of when your carb intake is higher (like whole eggs, cheese, maybe even...bacon..but not that much). When I eat higher carb I get to enjoy more whole grains, oatmeal (my favorite), sweet potatoes.

Have you been having trouble sticking to your nutritional plan lately? why don't you switch it up? Have you tried the Metabolic Diet? Give it a shot! Are you a low carb guy? Start having carbs post workout and in the 2 meals following your workout. You'll love the muscle pumps! Most of all don't be so dogmatic because in the end everything works...just don't try the Flavor Point Diet.

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