Monday, January 29, 2007

What Products Do I Buy??

I get lots of emails with people asking me about what products I buy/use so here are a couple.

*Workout Pass - I just got a membership here and am blown away by the sheer volume of workouts. How could I ever complete over 100 workouts by alwyn cosgrove??

*OmegaRx Fish Oil - I've used this product for well over 2 years.

*Surge - My favorite PWO shake. I find myself actually craving the taste - weird huh?

*Metabolic Drive - My (and my wife's) favorite protein powder, hands down!

*Xtend by Scivation - A tasty BCAA supplement that comes in some great flavors

*ZMA by Optimum Nutrition - ZMA definitely improves my sleep.

*Hot-Rox Extreme This is a solid product that definitely will get you amped up.

I usually like to keep my supplementation simple. When I start using some different products I'll update my blog with changes.

*Note: By clicking on the links for Xtend, ZMA, or HRX you'll be able to save %10 on your orders.


Dave A said...

hey there, check your links on the supplements. I figured out you want to send me to t-nation for the protein link, but just clicking it, the url is bad.

Mike Roussell said...

It should be fixed.


ScottG said...

Is there any worry that the elevated amounts of zinc, magnesium, and B6 in ZMA could be too much of any of those substances? I worry about that because I assume that ZMA and other supplements like it are formulated for 200+ lb. bodybuilders and athletes, whereas although I'm very physically active, I'm only 150 lbs.

- Scott

Mike Roussell said...

No there no worry about overload with any of those nutrients. If your body has enough then it is very efficient at safely removing excess.

Plus Charles Poliquin says he has never tested an athlete that didn't have low zinc levels.