Wednesday, October 25, 2006

My Blog Died

If you are wondering why my blog layout is different and why all the archives are missing it is because a couple days ago I had some HUGE computer problems. I was in the process up upgrading my server and I lost my blog. Lost as in in cyberspace. I was pretty bummed. Over 6 months of blogging.....gone.

But I had two choices.

1. Wine about how I lost all my entries and give up.

2. Set up a new blog and keep blogging.

I chose option 2. This a great example of how successful people function. When sh*t happens you have two choices and successful people always choose option 2. I've learned a ton from this disaster and am a better person because of it.

Have you had situations similar to this? Which option did you choose?

1 comment:

Spork Boy said...

After destroying the computer that crashed, I would choose option two.

Then I would go buy a Mac.