Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Transition from Eating Like Crap

Often times people experience what I call the "flip of the switch". This is the sudden enlightenment that occurs one day when you realize that you diet is full of garbage, you're 30lbs heavier then you were 10 years ago (that 3lb per year weight gain doesn't seem like a lot but it adds up), and your health is gradually going down the drain. Usually when people flip the switch they become very motivated. This can result in a total dietary turn around in the course of 24 hours.

Another senario might be you've been on vacation for a week, ate a lot of garbage, and now it is time to return to your clean eating (See Nutritionists Gone Wild).

Unfortunately, this can be a huge shock to your system. The best way to easy yourself into or back into eating good clean foods is to give your body a little digestive support. I recommend you do this through the use of probiotics and ginger tea. I have written extensively about probiotics previously and I find that ginger tea can be best used following a meal to also aid in digestion.

So don't let the initial pains of good eatin' send you back to the Big Macs and treat your GI track well as it was once said "I'd take a good set of bowels over brains anyday" (or something like that).

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